

廣播稿 閱讀(1.25W)





The first sentence we’ll talk about is Hang in there.





A: OMG. You’re still doing aerobic. How long do you do aerobics [,e?'rob?ks] every time in the gym?

B: Generally more than one hour.

A: That is too long. Don’t you feel tired?

B: Of course I do. But the longer I do it the more obvious effect it will bring.

A: I’m so tired. Let’s stop to have a rest.

B: You’d better not do that, or your previous efforts will go for naught. Hang in there!

A: Maybe you’re right. OK, I’ll try my best.

B:Hang in there是“再撐一下,堅持下去”的意思,這給人打氣時很常用的一句短語。 A:但是這句話一不小心就會說成Hang on there. 如果你這樣表達,會有什麼樣的影響呢?請看下面的小對話。

B: 等等等等,我實在是跑不動了,我們休息一會吧。

A: 我還想再跑會兒,要不你先休息吧。

B: 那好吧,Hang on there.

A: (生氣狀)你是在諷刺我賴著不走麼。

B: 我給你打氣,你怎麼還生我的氣呢?

A: hang有“逗留,懸掛”的意思,hang on的本意的確是“堅持,抓緊”。

B: 沒錯,但是這個片語通常只在講電話時表示“不要結束通話”的意思,如Hang on a minute/Hang on a second.

A: 所以我們的ve同學就想當然的認為“堅持下去”就應該是Hang on.

B: 唉,但是我只知其一不知其二啊,Hang on的確有“堅持”的意思,但他和there連用的時候,卻通常和“堅持”沒有任何關係,而是“賴著不走”,帶有“厚臉皮”的諷刺意味。 A: 可見,介詞in和on的不同,會產生很大的歧義。我們在對待這樣的形似短語的時候一定要加倍小心哦!否則可是會重蹈Twelve同學的覆轍的。

The next one we’re going to learn is...

You are all thumbs.  [θ?m]


B:誒?那麼“笨手笨腳”又該怎麼說呢?難道是“Stupid hands Stupid Feet”不成~

A: What a fine day today! How about going out to play badminton?

B: It sounds good. Let’s go!

A: Are you ready? Let’s begin! Catch it!

B: Oh, sorry, it’s so fast. I missed it.

A: You are all thumbs. You could have made it.

B: Being busy with study all day, I haven’t played the badminton for a long time. So I think I need time to warm up.

A: OK, five minutes. Just relax yourself and take some warm-up exercise.

A:thumb的意思是“拇指”。在中國,向別人豎起拇指是表示稱讚別人,相當於“That's the spirit!”或者“Good job”的意思。

B: 哦~那我說You’re all thumbs,一定就是在誇獎你全身上下都頂呱呱!沒錯吧?

A: 才不是呢,別自作聰明瞭!You’re all thumbs.在英語中是個固定用法,意思是You are clumsy也就是“笨手笨腳的”。

B: 哦對!大拇指的確是所有手指裡最不靈活的一個了。

A: 別擺弄你的手指頭了。如果要用thumb來表示稱讚的意思,則應該用thumbs up,也就是“幹得好”的意思。

Well, here comes the third sentence.

The tone there is sick.



A: We have a two-day holiday this weekend.

B: Oh, it’s really a surprise. Have you any plans?

A: I have no idea. I am so tired these days that I really need a good relaxation. What’s your opinion?

B: Uh… We are out of practice at singing. What about going to the KTV on Saturday? A: Great! Which KTV can we choose?

B: AGOGO is a good choice. The tone there is sick.

A: 真奇怪?Sick不是“生病的,噁心的”意思麼?為什麼你會選擇一家“噁心的”KTV啊?

B: 這你就不懂了吧,the tone is sick表達的不是“這音樂吵得我要生病了”,恰恰相反,是


A: 原來是這樣,看來我也犯了望文生義的毛病了啊。

The movie went like a bomb.



A: Have you heard that a new film Inception is now on.

B: Of course, I had seen it last weekend. The movie went like a bomb!

A: It seems I have to change the plan to see it.

B: Well, you will never regret it.

A: Bomb是“炸彈”的意思,go like a bomb和be like a bomb雖然只有一字之差,意思卻有天壤之別。

B: go like a bomb是指“極快的,非常成功的”,可以用來形容一些票房飄紅的電影,比如去年如火如荼的AVATAR。

A: 但是be like a bomb就是完全相反的意思,即“非常糟糕的”,想想看,如果一部電影像個地雷一樣把你雷翻了,你會覺得它是一部好電影麼?

B: 當然不會,不過欣賞一部雷到極致的影片也是一種entertainment嘛。